After seemingly endless days of rain, we had a beautiful weekend in Fairbanks. Saturday morning, we went into town for breakfast, where A ate well and devoured her pancakes with gusto! As we were leaving the diner, we heard the rumble of some Harleys going past the restaurant. They just kept coming, so we hurried over to the sidewalk to watch. They honked and waved at us as they went by, and A loved it! We watched probably over a hundred bikes go by, and it was great!
Then we took care of some other errands in town, including a stop at an antique sale on our way home. Oh, the lovely things these women had! I would have loved to take home so much more, but I was thrilled with our two new items. One is a little cradle that A can use for her toys and dolls. The other great find is an old wash tub. Its legs are a bit rusty, but it will be perfect for holding a pot of flowers outside!
Sunday was another fabulous day. A slept in, and was so cute when I got her out of her crib. She was still a sleepyhead, so I thought perhaps this would be the day that she'd go back to sleep in our bed. Nope. As usual, she was thrilled to be in between us, and loved the opportunity to look for our belly buttons and play peek-a-boo!
We had breakfast at a favorite restaurant right on the river. We enjoyed the food, watched other families, and saw two sternwheeler riverboats. Then we headed up to the botanical gardens, in keeping with our Father's Day tradition. The flowers were gorgeous, and A walked everywhere like such a big girl. No crawling at all! She stopped a couple times to pick up some rocks, and she happily carried them for the whole visit.
We were finally heading home, but decided to take a drive north. A was taking a good nap, so this option also let her keep on sleeping. In the five years I've lived here, I've never been more than about 10 miles north of our home. The road going north goes very quickly from rural civilization to wild open areas. This is the road that goes up to the north slope, so very often we see big semi trucks transporting vehicles, fuel, or equipment for the oil production facilities. The road today was virtually empty, save for a lone bicyclist. We stopped to watch a mama moose and her new calf eating the tender grasses growing in the roadside marsh.
It was a really wonderful weekend. Summer in Fairbanks at its best.
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