Dear Jenna,
You are now 13 months old. It's amazing how quickly the time goes. This has been such a huge month for you. The day you went to see the doctor for your 12 month appointment was not a happy day. You were so brave and well-behaved. The shots happened at the end, and they completely wiped you out. You ran a bit of a fever, and you were so cuddly. I was sad that you weren't feeling well, but I absolutely love those rare moments that you want to be held and snuggled. Having you take a nap on my chest was fantastic and just made my day. A few days later, you crawled up the stairs (while either Daddy or I stayed right behind you) more than once. You were so proud when you got to the top, but you had no interest in learning how to go back down. And since then, you haven't shown any interest in the stairs again!
We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa over the long Memorial Day weekend. The flight there was good. You were awake a lot, but you were quiet and sat still. Grandma and Grandpa love you like crazy, and you love them, too. You have so much fun at their house, going into town, and seeing new places. You decided that you could move easier on their tile floor by walking on your hands and feet instead of crawling on your knees! Then you decided that walking was fun, as long as you had Grandpa's hand to hold. Eventually, you'd hold my hand or Grandma's hand as well. They gave you a push car, and you absolutely loved pushing it around and around in their family room. You kept busy putting toys in the seat compartment and then taking them all out again!
It was sad to leave their house. We had a great time, and I know it just breaks their hearts to say goodbye to you. Our flight home was really difficult, mostly because we were stuck in a middle seat for the 6 hours on the plane. You were tired, but just couldn't sleep. You were remarkably well-behaved given that situation. It was nice to be home, and you were happy to see Daddy and your doggies again.
You got bitten by a mosquito 6 times on your forehead while you slept one night. It didn't seem to bother you, which was good. A couple days later, your ear was so red and swollen, it really worried us. Grandma urged us to get you in right away, so we rushed to the clinic. They determined it was probably just a reaction to another mosquito bite, even though we couldn't see a bite on your ear. You had to get a painful antibiotic shot, but once again, you were so brave and strong. You cried, but not for long. The swelling disappeared after a couple days, thank goodness. After 10 days of antibiotics, you seem just fine now.
I love you so much, sweet girl.
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